The LWF Assembly choir lifts up the spirit of the journeys in the main auditorium of the ICE Congress Centre in Kraków, Poland. The choir and the musicians are a global composition from all continents, all regions and many languages.
En el marco de la Decimotercera Asamblea de la Federación Mundial Luterana (LWF), que tuvo lugar en la histórica ciudad de Cracovia, Polonia, bajo el evocativo lema "Un Cuerpo, Un Espíritu, Una Esperanza", se congregaron delegados de todos los…
Young leaders share their gifts with the global communion through participation in the LWF Assembly Stewards program. Throughout the Assembly, stewards are engaged in many different aspects of the meeting.
Ecumenical leaders meet together in Krakow, as Lutherans and Catholics present a joint statement looking forward to the 500th anniversary of the Augsburg Confession which sought “to maintain the unity of the church.”