Dans cette section, nous partagerons des communiqués de presse, des informations de fond et d'autres documents utiles. Nous vous demandons de respecter les embargos indiqués.
Pour toute demande d'interview ou de matériel supplémentaire, veuillez contacter l'équipe de communication de la FLM.
Nous vous remercions de l'intérêt que vous portez à l'Assemblée de la FLM et nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec vous !
Cornelia Kaestner
Senior Communication Officer
+41 79 106 0974
Rev. Árni Svanur Daníelsson
Head of Communication
+41 78 929 9686
Informations complémentaires

Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa
Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa
About the President
The President is the presiding officer of the Assembly, the Council and the Executive Committee. He or she oversees LWF’s life and work in consultation with the General Secretary.
The Assembly elects the President for a term of service until the next Assembly.
- Biography: EN | DE | ES | FR
- Press Photo

LWF General Secretary, Rev. Dr Anne Burghardt
General Secretary
Rev. Anne Burghardt
About the General Secretary
The General Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Ecumenical Officer for the LWF. Together with the President, the General Secretary is a public representative and chief spokesperson for the LWF. The General Secretary carries out the decisions of the Assembly and Council and report to them on activities of the Communion Office. The Council elects the General Secretary. The term of service is seven years.
- Biography: EN | DE | ES | FR
- Press Photo