Participants of the Pre-Assembly of the Americas gained insights into the work of the LWF member church and country program in Colombia. This included a panel on the country’s peace process, field visits to diaconal projects, and a presentation…
How does the Assembly theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope” unfold in the Latin America and Caribbean and North American regions? How does it promote unity in the communion of churches? Participants at the Pre-Assembly in Colombia deliberated on…
LWF invites media to report from the Thirteenth LWF Assembly in Krakow, Poland. Accreditation is now open, the deadline for journalists who wish to attend in-person is June 10.
The Pre-Assembly of the Americas, the Latin America and the Caribbean and the North America regions, is taking place in Bogotá, Colombia, this week. Women and youth from the two regions have met prior to the pre-assembly the reflect jointly on…
Ordained in secret during the communist era, Halík is a renowned professor, writer and public speaker calling for dialogue and closer cooperation between people of all faiths and none.
LWF is looking for experienced communicators to support the global communication team at the LWF assembly in Krakow, and to share the life of the assembly with LWF member churches and partner organizations. Deadline 10 May 2023.
Join us on an adventure leading up to the Thirteenth LWF Assembly in Krakow in September: that’s the invitation from the authors and editors of a new study guide which explores the Assembly theme ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’
LWF has published a Study Guide to equip participants at the Thirteenth Assembly and Pre-Assemblies with material for reflection on the assembly theme “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.”
The stewardship program is a long-standing part of LWF Assemblies. Stewards offer their skills to help support the Assembly and to expand their knowledge of the LWF. This year the participation of these young leaders from across the Communion and…
The LWF Assembly is eight months away and there is growing excitement as preparations progress. Assembly Coordinator Maryssa Camaddo met with Lutheran World Information to share an update on the Assembly.