The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland
The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland is the largest evangelical Church in Poland with over 60,000 members.

Reformation Jubilee service in Warsaw, 2017. Photo: D. Bruncz
A tradition of service dating back to the Reformation itself
The church emerged as a result of the XVI century Reformation movement, which reached Poland quickly and gave impulse to the activity of local reformers who created independent church structures. The name of the church refers to the Gospel (gr. evangélion) – the Good News about Jesus Christ – and the Reformation’s confession of faith read out in Augsburg to Emperor Charles V in 1530.
Today, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland is a minority church, the numbers of which vary from region to region. The largest population lives in Cieszyn Silesia region (about 47,000). Smaller communities can be found in Upper Silesia and Masuria. Lutheran parishes in the rest of the country are located in larger cities. The church functions mainly in the diaspora, in six dioceses. It has 133 parishes and 150 ministers. It is one of the founding members of the Lutheran World Federation.
Local Assembly Planning Committee
We wish to thank the members of the Local Assembly Planning Committee for their work onsite in Poland and in conjunction with the LWF Council, Assembly Committees and Communion Office to ensure the realization of the Assembly goals and objectives. The members belong to the host church, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland.
- Jerzy SAMIEC (ECACP Presiding Bishop)
- Dr Adrian KORCZAGO (Bishop)
- Dr Marian NIEMIEC (Bishop)
- Rev. Tymoteusz BUJOK (National Youth Chaplain)
- Agnieszka GODFREJOW-TARNOGORSKA (Communication Officer)
- Anna WRZESINSKA (International Relations Officer, LAPC Chairperson)
- Zofia NIEMCZYK (Youth/Women)
- Jolanta PALOWSKA (Kraków Parish)
This Is Our Story
The history and life of the Krakow Parish of the ECACP