Practical Information A wealth of advice and instruction for attendees, to ensure the Assembly is smooth-running and that attendees get the most out of their experience.
Assembly Overview of the host church, country, protocol and formalities requested of attendees, information about the visual identity of the Assembly, the way in which an Assembly is prepared, and extensive information on the pre-Assemblies
Assembly Theme The Assembly theme, One Body, One Spirit, One Hope, reminds us that in a fragmented world, we are called to unity in the one body of Christ. The theme is drawn from Ephesians 4:4 (NRSV)
Program The Assembly program comprises a rich array of events: from the opening ceremony, worship, prayers, Bible study and visits, to plenary sessions and the business of the Assembly.
Image Participants of the Women’s Pre-Assembly in Wrocław, Poland, after the opening worship. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Serving the church as equals Women’s Pre-Assembly begins in Wrocław, Poland (LWI) - In the days leading up to the Thirteenth Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), 107 women, both lay and ordained, from across the world gathered in Wrocław, Poland, for the…
Image Delegates from across the LWF’s seven regions take part in the first Men’s Pre-Assembly in Krakow, Poland. Photo: LWF/A. Hillert Men’s Pre-Assembly highlights values of humility and hope A first ever Pre-Assembly of men stresses need for servant leadership and listening to the voice of the Spirit (LWI) - Men from around the seven regions of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) met together in Krakow on 11 September for…
Image Members of the outgoing LWF Council, together with the President and General Secretary Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert LWF Council looks back on journey from Windhoek to Kraków LWF Council holds its last meeting before Kraków Assembly elects a new governing body.
Image Top line, left to right: LWF Assembly youth delegate Gregnan Maiye Kua from Papua New Guinea; Phiona Uwase from the Lutheran Church of Rwanda; Bishop Semko Koroza, Evangelical Reformed Church of Poland; Elizabeth Johnson from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bottom line, left to right: Annika Juurikka: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland; Bishop Sageus Keib from Namibia; Rutendo Gora from South Africa; Rev. Witness Maratu from Tanzania. Photos (1-6): Esther Williams, (7-8) Erick A. Kinyanguli. Photo: LWF Different cultures, under one theme LWF Council holds its last meeting before Kraków Assembly elects a new governing body.