Información práctica Cantidad de consejos e instrucciones para las personas participantes, queremos garantizar el buen desarrollo de la Asamblea y que las personas asistentes aprovechen al máximo su experiencia.
Asamblea Una visión general sobre la iglesia anfitriona, el país, el protocolo y las formalidades que se exigen a las personas asistentes, información sobre la identidad visual de la Asamblea, la forma en que se prepara una Asamblea, y abundante información sobre las pre-asambleas.
Tema de la Asamblea Un cuerpo, un Espíritu, una esperanza El tema de la Asamblea, Un cuerpo, un Espíritu, una esperanza, nos recuerda que, en un mundo fragmentado, recibimos el llamado a la unidad en el único cuerpo de Cristo. El tema está basado en Efesios...
Programa El programa de la Asamblea incluye una rica gama de eventos: desde la ceremonia de apertura, el culto, las oraciones, los estudios bíblicos y las visitas, hasta las sesiones plenarias y las actividades propias de la Asamblea.
Image "One Body, One Spirit, One Hope”, Assembly theme, drawn from Ephesians 4:4 Logos for the 2023 LWF Assembly The visual elements, representing the theme of the Thirteenth Assembly – One Body, One Spirit, One Hope – come together to uplift, inspire, and cha
Image Visual Identity Guidelines Visual Identity Guidelines The visual identity for the Thirteenth Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation is a bold expression of our connectedness as one body in Christ, i
Image 2023A What is the Assembly booklet EN Introducing the Thirteenth Assembly and its Theme One Body, One Spirit, One Hope Explanation and discussion questions
Image Pre- and post- Assembly visits LWF Thirteenth Assembly Pre & Post Visits This document outlines the pre- and post-Assembly visits organized by the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland (ECACP), host of
Image A view over the city of Krakow. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert LWF Assembly Visitors program guidelines This document outlines the guidelines for the visitors program for participants attending the Assembly part or full time.
Image Arrival - departures airport terminal Travel Arrangements to LWF Assembly Krakow Poland This document details procedures and information for travel arrangements to the Assembly.
Image Visa information and documents Visa information to enter Poland for the Assembly This document provides background information on the visa (Schengen) application process to enter Poland for the Assembly to assist participants as
Image policy on subsidizing costs Policy on Subsidizing costs of Assembly delegates This document outlines the policy on providing financial subsidies for the delegates to the Thirteenth Assembly to ensure accountability, transpare
Image Subsidy request form cover photo Subsidy Request Form Download and complete the application form to request a subsidy as outlined by the policy on subsidizing costs of Assembly delegates.